Friday, June 10, 2011

How to Get Someone's Attention

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Have you ever noticed that even in a crowded, noisy room you have an amazing ability to hear your name if it's mentioned in conversation by others?  Think about it--your first name is one of the few things in your life that has been with you since your parents tried to communicate with you as a baby.  That makes it a huge part of who you are.

Last year I decided to do an experiment.  When I was at the grocery store, bank, a restaurant, etc. I would read the name badge of the person who waited on me and use their name in conversation or when I thanked them.  The reactions I got were not earth-shattering, but they were interesting.  I noticed a little warmth sweep across their face with a pleasant surprise of direct eye contact, many times a smile, and often friendlier service.

This little gesture of using a stranger's name results in two benefits:
First, it connects you with the other person, and therefore you become more than just the average daily encounter to them. You will likely be treated in a friendly manner, and you may even receive better service as a result. 
Second, using another person's name in conversation will actually boost your confidence.  As you take the initiative to connect with strangers and watch their positive reactions, you will find yourself more confident regarding your interpersonal skills.

So the next time you see a name badge on someone's shirt, read it, use it, and see what happens. 
Do you read name badges and use the person's name in conversation? If not, why not? If so, what reactions did you get? I welcome you to share your comments.

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